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TDR Regional Training Centre (RTC) in Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR)

The Regional Training Centre of Institut Pasteur de Tunis (IPT) focused mainly on the promotion of quality assurance and good practices (current Good Clinical Practices (GCP), Good Clinical Laboratory Practices (GCLP)) ethics and human protection in research in addition to the Implementation of Research to solve health problems using the TDR toolkit and the GHRP course.


Training is the mission of our RTC and one of the main tasks of IPT. This mission is facilitated by the location of the RTC at the Institut Pasteur of Tunis (IPT) which has a unique position as a Reference Health Research Center with a multidisciplinary training staff. The training mission of IPT includes management of clinical research training of undergraduate, MDs, MVDs, MSc, and PhD students and post-doctoral students, the interaction with the boards of the Université de Tunis El Manar and Doctoral schools at the ‘Faculté des Sciences’ and the ‘Faculté de Médecine’ in Tunis. It also includes the organization of training courses in a range of disciplines to benefit different profiles including health personnel and program managers of the primary health care direction.

The goal of the RTC strategy is:

i)To foster research on infectious diseases of poverty that lead to health improvement;
ii)To strengthen research capacity of the individuals and institutions in countries of the region;

iii) To foster implementation research that responds to health needs of these countries through a range of training courses and activities.



13, place Pasteur, B.P. 74 1002 Tunis, Belvédère Tunisie

E-mail : info@pasteur.tn

Téléphone : +216 71783 022 / +216 71 843 755