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Une conférence aura lieu ce jeudi 16 novembre 2023 à 11h00 dans le grand amphithéâtre, Bâtiment Amor Chedly, Institut Pasteur de Tunis.

La conférence, intitulée "How do CD8+ T-cells contribute to protect in human tuberculosis?", sera animée par le Professeur Steffen Stenger, Directeur de l'Institut de microbiologie médicale et de contrôle des infections à l'Hôpital universitaire d'Ulm, Allemagne. 


Résumé de la conférence:

The protective immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis depends on the interaction between T-lymphocytes and macrophages. While the dominant role of CD4+ T-cells is clear, the contribution of CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocytes remains poorly defined. Recently, a new subset of CD8+ T-cells was described, which co-expresses antimicrobial and cytotoxic molecules. The presence of this “polycytotoxic” T cell subset is associated with protection against tuberculosis in humans. Mechanistically polycytotoxic T-cells recognize Mtb-infected macrophages and exert direct antimicrobial activity mediated by granulysin. The expansion of this T-cell subset by immune-modulatory agents or vaccines provides a novel strategy to prevent or treat tuberculosis in humans.

Biographie de Pr. Steffen Stenger:

Steffen Stenger is an MD with speciality training in Medical Microbiology. Since 2006 he is professor and director of the department of medical microbiology and hygiene at the university hospital in Ulm. The key responsibilities of the department are the diagnosis and treatment of severe infectious diseases including tuberculosis.

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